The most delicious purchase I have ever made.... Burberry Prorsum boots are m i n e! I can hardly contain myself... I cant wait to love these beauties. They will never come off my feet.
Visualize; its a sense never to be taken advantage of. I learn and evolve through visualization. I am constantly tearing apart books and magazines and making collages out of pictures that move me. I have walls covered and
books filled with these photos. In a sense they help me figure out who I am... what I love, and what I am passionate about.
Brigitte Bardot, the sixties, magazines, pop culture, history, travel, LONDON, europe, european lifestyle, make up, art, reading, dirty gritty glamour, classic hollywood movies, nostalgia, buying new things, creating who you want to be.
"Ils peuvent m'appeler un pécheur, mais je suis en paix avec moi-même."
Mode Personnel
a style made up of fashion contradictions; girlishness thats roughed up a bit around the edges... flashy glamour, thrift store duds, classic chic, grungy punk, cat eyes, red lips, bardot hair, pretty never cute, sensual never 'sexy', ladylike outfits, mens wear outfits, all done with a touch of imperfection.